Sunday, August 17, 2008

Arts Junction Concert - 02 August 2008

Basse, in honour of her kind, with: A Woman's Journey...

Her "Sassiness", performs, My Lyrical Sass at Abbey Hall in Wynberg Secondary High School, Cape Town, South Africa.


Why does is take a smack
for you to change your tune
about my SASS, my brother

Why do “Come-hither” rhythms echo
from its cylindrically curvaceous surface,
like a vibrated Africa drum to its ancestors?

Why does it howl whistles of lust,
towards your four-legged mind,
with its imagination, meandering through the back door?

Am I to ululate to its perverted composition?
Is my SASS to dance
to its ill-inspired melodies

I think not, my brother
But I do think it takes a smack,
to change your tune, to my
Lyrical SASS

Author: Bulelwa Basse